📄️ Code Reuse
Reusing Functions and Variables Across Files
📄️ Multiple Outputs
Generating Multiple Config Outputs
📄️ Pipelining
Implementing Config Manipulation Pipelining
📄️ Generating YAML, JSON and TOML
Protoconf has built-in support for generating YAML, JSON, and TOML configurations. This allows you to use Protoconf in environments that expect configurations in these formats, and to take advantage of the different strengths of each format.
🗃️ Protoconf Mutation Service
2 items
📄️ Using google.protobuf.Any
The google.protobuf.Any type is a powerful feature in Protocol Buffers that allows you to store arbitrary messages in your protobufs. It works by wrapping the message and embedding the name of the message's type. This allows the actual type of the embedded message to be discovered and the message to be correctly deserialized at runtime.
📄️ Standard Libraries
Starlib is a collection of modules for Starlark, the Python-like language used in Protoconf, Bazel, and other tools. These modules provide a standard library of useful functions that can be used in your Protoconf scripts.