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Multiple Outputs

Generating Multiple Config Outputs

protoconf allows for the generation of multiple config outputs from a single Starlark file. This is particularly useful when you have variations of configuration for different environments or use cases.

To use this feature, you should use the .mpconf extension for your Starlark file. Then, you can return a dictionary from your main function, where each key-value pair represents a different configuration output. Here's an example:

load("//myproject/v1/server_config.proto", "ServerConfiguration")
load("//myproject/helpers.pinc", "create_default_config")

def main():
    return {
        "default": create_default_config(),
        "debug": create_default_config(max_connections=1000, request_timeout=Duration(seconds=5)),

In this example, the main function returns a dictionary with two configurations: default and debug. The default configuration uses the create_default_config function defined in helpers.pinc to create a ServerConfiguration with default values.

For the debug configuration, the create_default_config function is called with arguments to override the max_connections and request_timeout values.

When you compile this file with protoconf, it will generate two separate output files: ./materialized_configs/myproject/server_config/default.materialized_JSON and ./materialized_configs/myproject/server_config/debug.materialized_JSON.

These configurations can then be consumed from the protoconf agent at myproject/server_config/default and myproject/server_config/debug respectively.

By using this method, you can easily manage different configurations from a single source file, enhancing the maintainability and readability of your configurations.

This approach allows you to cleanly separate configurations for different environments or use cases, while keeping the related configuration code in a single place.