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Generating YAML, JSON and TOML

Protoconf has built-in support for generating YAML, JSON, and TOML configurations. This allows you to use Protoconf in environments that expect configurations in these formats, and to take advantage of the different strengths of each format.

Basic Usage

If a configuration file's path ends with .yaml, .yml, .json, or .toml, Protoconf will automatically generate the configuration in the corresponding format. The generated file will be written to the appropriate path under ./outputs as well as to the ./materialized_configs directory.

For example, if you have a configuration file at myproject/server_config.json.pconf, Protoconf will generate a JSON configuration file at ./outputs/myproject/server_config.json.

Multiple Configurations

If you are using a .mpconf file to generate multiple configurations, you can specify the output format for each configuration by including the format extension in the key of the returned dictionary.

For example, if you have a .mpconf file that returns {"server_config.yaml": ServerConfiguration}, Protoconf will generate a YAML configuration file at ./outputs/server_config.yaml.

Full Example

Let's assume you have a ProtoBuf message ServerConfiguration defined as below:

message ServerConfiguration {
  bool enable_debug = 1;
  uint32 max_connections = 2;

You can create a .mpconf file as below:

load("//myproject/v1/server_config.proto", "ServerConfiguration")

def main():
  config = ServerConfiguration()
  config.enable_debug = True
  config.max_connections = 1000

  return {
    "server_config.json": config,
    "server_config.yaml": config,
    "server_config.toml": config

By running protoconf compile . on this .mpconf file, Protoconf will generate a JSON file at ./outputs/server_config.json, a YAML file at ./outputs/server_config.yaml, and a TOML file at ./outputs/server_config.toml.

This feature makes it easy to generate multiple configurations in different formats from a single .mpconf file, simplifying your configuration management process.