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Integrating Envoy with Protoconf


This guide aims to illustrate how you can use Protoconf to manage your Envoy configuration. Envoy Proxy is a modern, high performance, small footprint edge and service proxy which is particularly applicable in Cloud-Native applications. Envoy's configuration API, called xDS, is defined in Protobuf, making it a perfect candidate for Protoconf.

Our setup will involve running a protoconf-xds server that will serve the Envoy configurations. In a nutshell, Protoconf will generate the xDS snapshot that protoconf-xds will serve to Envoy, updating its configuration.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Envoy with Protoconf:

Step 1: Install protoconf-xds

You can install protoconf-xds via brew using the command:

brew install protoconf/tap/protoconf-xds

Alternatively, you can download it from the github releases page.

Step 2: Initialize the Workspace

Run the command below to initialize the workspace with all required proto files:

protoconf-xds init

This command will create a directory structure for your project and will download all the necessary protobuf definitions.

Step 3: Edit the Example File

Find the example configuration file at ./src/example/envoy.mpconf. This file is written in the Starlark configuration language and defines your Envoy configuration. Make the necessary modifications to fit your use-case.

Step 4: Compile the Configuration

Compile the configuration by running the command below:

protoconf compile .

It will create a new configuration with the path example/envoy/test-id.

Step 5: Run the Protoconf Agent

To generate an xDS snapshot and serve it to Envoy, you'll need to run the Protoconf agent in development mode:

protoconf agent --dev

Step 6: Run protoconf-xds Server

Run protoconf-xds serve with -prefix=example/envoy and -nodeId=test-id. Note that -nodeId is repeatable and you can add as many node ids as you wish. The combination of prefix and node id will result in example/envoy/test-id, which is the same as our protoconf config.

protoconf-xds serve -prefix=example/envoy -nodeId=test-id

Step 7: Create Envoy Bootstrap Config

Create a new Envoy bootstrap configuration file. This config assumes Envoy will run in a Docker container, and that the protoconf-xds server runs on the host machine listening to port 18000. You can change the host address in the config file. Also, you can change the which, in this case, is set to test-id so our xDS server will know which configuration to serve.

Here is the bootstrap config

Step 8: Create Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile to generate a Docker container with Envoy and our new bootstrap config. Here's an example Dockerfile:

FROM envoyproxy/envoy:latest
COPY envoy.yaml /etc/envoy/envoy.yaml
RUN chmod go+r /etc/envoy/envoy.yaml

Step 9: Build Docker Image

Build the Docker image using the following command:

docker build -t envoy:v1 .

Step 10: Run Docker Container

Run the Docker container using the following command:

docker run -p

19000:19000 -p 10000:10000 envoy:v1

You can then navigate to Envoy's admin page at http://localhost:19000 and see the configuration of the clusters. If you change the cluster name in the example file, run protoconf compile ., and reload the page, you'll see the new cluster name.

Running in Production

For production environments, Docker images are provided via protoconf/protoconf-xds or

Remember to switch the Protoconf agent to production mode when you're ready to move your configuration out of the development environment.